The concept of coliving has rapidly evolved from a mere fad aimed at millennials and centennials, to a way of life inherent to the new times, with the potential to change the way we interact and relate to each other in our cities in Spain.
In this article, we will explore this emerging phenomenon, its implications and impact, and provide detailed information for those interested in joining this growing trend.

What is Coliving and Why Should You Care in Spain?
Coliving is not simply a gimmick for the gentrification of young hipsters or the digital nomad movement. It is a response to the growing need for experiential community in an increasingly individualised world. But the real magic of coliving lies in how it shapes and transforms social dynamics. Intelligently designed spaces promote interaction and mutual care, creating environments that not only save costs, but offer greater security, and a sense of belonging.
What Makes Coliving Successful?
The formula for effective coliving is a unique blend of innovative design, community management, agile services and competitive pricing. Facilities must be versatile, adaptable enough to meet the changing demands of diverse professions and lifestyles.
Community management is a critical aspect; coliving is not just about the maintenance and management of a property, but about fostering a safe and supportive environment. Colivers need to feel that the space is their home, not just temporary accommodation. Services should be as varied as the people they serve, from workspaces to breakout areas and community events.
Coliving's Incredible Eco-Social Potential
Coliving can be the answer to many problems inherent in an unsustainable urban living system. Sharing facilities, resources and experiences can reduce the ecological and carbon footprint and promote more sustainable living habits.
The concept also has the power to combat one of the biggest problems of our modern cities: loneliness. Technology may keep us "connected" in the virtual world, but more and more studies and statistics point to growing isolation. Coliving offers a physical remedy to this cyber evil, creating a web of human relationships that sustains and enriches our lives.
Coliving in Spain: Past and Future Prospects
In Spain, coliving has exploded in cities such as Barcelona and Madrid, attracting young professionals and digital nomads from all over the world. However, this newly-emerging trend faces significant challenges, from market saturation to ambiguous legal spheres.
The outlook is promising. With the right support, the coliving model can scale to serve a wider and more diverse population. There are opportunities for growth in secondary cities and towns, where coliving can revitalise smaller communities.
Cohousing and Coliving: Complementarity in Communities
Coliving, a growing trend of sharing living spaces, is often associated mainly with generation X, millennials or generation Z due to their love of shared experiences and the sharing economy. However, this practice is far from being a generational exclusive. People of all ages are discovering the benefits of coliving, from reducing costs to creating a community and enriching social relationships.
Cohousing, a variant with deeper roots in the community, appeals to a broader demographic, from retirees to young families. Together, coliving and cohousing can address urban and community challenges with solutions that are economical, efficient and satisfying from a human point of view. It is a macro trend, not a generational phase.
In short, coliving represents more than a trend; it is a cultural shift that is uncovering new dimensions of urban living across all ages and professions.
The potential impacts, ranging from creating more sustainable environments to combating loneliness, paint a horizon where the redundant accent of cities will converge into dynamic, connected communities. Are you ready to join this new wave of community living?
Frequently Asked Questions about Coliving in Spain
The most frequently asked questions for those considering living in Spain. Find comprehensive answers to all your questions to ensure a smooth and enriching coliving experience.
What is a coliving apartment?
A coliving flat is a residential unit designed to foster social relationships and sharing. Each member has a private bedroom and shares common areas, promoting meaningful interactions between residents. Some coliving units such as those at Haaus® include hotel-like amenities.
How much does coliving cost?
Costs vary depending on location, season and amenities offered. Compared to traditional renting, coliving can be more economical, as many common expenses are shared. Ranges can be from €490 to over €1000 per month, all-inclusive.
How does coliving work?
Coliving is based on cooperation and mutual respect. Residents share common areas while enjoy private bedrooms, and can choose to participate in community activities, ensuring a balance between privacy and social life.
What is Haaus® Coliving?
Haaus® Coliving is a company founded in Barcelona in 2022, specialising in the creation and management of coliving spaces with services included in various cities, including Barcelona, Valencia and Madrid.
Where do digital nomads live in Barcelona?
Digital nomads in Barcelona tend to find accommodation in areas close to centres of business and creative activity, where there is a proliferation of coliving spaces designed for their specific needs.